[OSGeo-Edu] Restarting our conversations on developing training tutorials

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Mon Mar 8 09:57:45 EST 2010

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Charlie, and others,
> I'm still very committed to the idea of building OSGeo based training 
> material. I believe we can achieve this by building upon the build 
> processes and marketing channel that the LiveDVD has been putting in 
> place.
> I've been having some high level conversations with educators about 
> the idea here in Australia/New Zealand. I'm hoping that we will come 
> forward with some strong commitment after that.
Wonderful Cameron! Keep us all posted and appreciate your 
efforts/leadership here. I'm quite sure others are actively developing 
educational material as well.

FYI - I'm getting +1 votes on these webinar ideas... great. What I think 
we should do is see if we have willing presenters and content (which I 
think we have), and then figure out how we implement.

On my end, I am still trying to get permission for our possible use of 
the GIS Body of Knowledge from AAG as a guiding framework for our 
organizing various educational material.

Finally ** Reminder all **:

If  you have relevant content you are willing to share, please take a 
moment to post it to our educational inventory system [1], [2]. The last 
post was Sept, 2009 -- I KNOW there is newer material out there...

And before you post your new or revised material, please consider 
uploading the source content to our Subversion system [3].  We really 
should be able to implement a system where new derivative work on OSgeo 
edu related material is possible! We've got a unique opportunity as a 
collective group to do this globally... but we need people to step up 
and help lead this. Thanks in advance, all! :-)


[1] https://www.osgeo.org/node/add/edu-content
[2] http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Subversion_edu_instructions

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