[OSGeo-Edu] Permission to use the Association for Amercan Geographer's GIS&T Body of Knowledge framework

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Wed Mar 24 22:06:44 EDT 2010

Hi all,

1) Good news.

Well it took me 3 months to get this (it was a bit complicated), but I 
finally got permission from the two groups with the copyright over the 
AAG GIS&T Body of Knowledge [1] to use it as a potential guiding 
framework for our future curriculum work. I hope to restart discussions 
about this soon. If anyone would be willing to step up and help me 
coordinate the curriculum effort (I'm frantically trying to get a book 
done and to a publisher right now), please contact me. Also, I'd like to 
keep moving forward on the Webinar idea and could use some help on that 
front. Please contact me if you are interested.

2) I'm going to the AAG conference on April 15th in Washington D.C. I 
think Helena and I are on a panel about open source GIS being chaired by 
Luc Anselin. If anyone else is going, perhaps we could coordinate a 
Birds of a Feather meeting that day. Please contact me if you want to do 

More soon, hopefully.




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