[OSGeo-Edu] E-book on economic and business models of OS/Free software

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Fri Mar 26 19:13:57 EDT 2010

Hi OSGeo edu members:

I was just told about this e-book: "Economic aspects and business models 
of Free Software" and thought I'd pass the link on. It was written by 
Amadeu Albós Raya, Lluís Bru Martínez and Irene Fernández Monsalve and 
coordinated by David Megías. A copy is available at 

Note - I have not read the book yet so I do not know about its 
contents... but thought some of you might be interested in knowing about it.

(I also posted an entry on our group's blog... please feel free to send 
me other material for posting there about OSGeo-relevant activities...)

Cheers- Charlie Schweik

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