[OSGeo-Edu] Academic Event

Charles Schweik cschweik at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 15:15:16 EDT 2011

1) I have created a new entry on our wiki page to help us organize our
2011-2012 initiatives. I've tried to build "interest party" lists from the
emails. I'm sure I missed some or couldn't remember exact institutional


Please add your name if it is missing, or update if I have something wrong
or email me if you can't edit the wiki.

2) Tyler's question of nailing down a date.

+1 for doing the events in sequence (EU-March, US-May) rather than in

See if we can get funds for some cross-participation and we figure out how
to build from the March event in May.

3) More relatively soon on a virtual meeting to plan. I think Phil is
crunching on a his proposal which may have the idea of a May workshop in it
but Phil, when you are ready let's discuss the virtual meeting logistics and
plan for early November.

4) Our next step is maybe to try and work on virtual meeting topics. I've
tried to start this on the wiki page above. Please add ideas, colleagues!

Great to see this energy. One goal I know we have is to have some kind of
educational deliverable for FOSS4G next year to compliment the LiveDVD.

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