[OSGeo-Edu] Upcoming Event: Collaborative by Nature event - 11th
November 2011, Cardiff (#gecoenv)
Nicola Osborne
nicola.osborne at ed.ac.uk
Thu Oct 20 07:55:12 EDT 2011
Hi there,
I am emailing as I am involved in arranging an event that I think may be
of interest to those on this list.
The event, called Collaborative by Nature: Interoperable Geospatial
Approaches to the Environment (#gecoenv), has been organised by the
IGIBS and NatureLocator projects, will focus on how environmental
research data can be made interoperable across sectors and will take
place on Friday 11th November 2011 at the Welsh Government Buildings,
Cathays Park, Cardiff, UK.
A broad range of speakers from the academic, public and private sectors
will be taking part and we expect the event to generate some very
interesting discussion and provide an opportunity to gain some insight
into the developing plans for how the devolved government of Wales is
rolling out INSPIRE, an EU directive requiring public authorities to
make public data around the environment (a broad definition including
health and demographic aspects) available and interoperable across Europe.
There will be an opportunity to see the first demonstration of IGIBS'
innovative work to enable UK access management technology to secure
public sector services in combination with academic sector services. The
NatureLocator project will also be talking about their citizen science
phone application, LeafWatch, which is helping researchers to track
Leaf Minor Moth damage to Horsechestnut trees across the UK.
The event is free to attend and the booking form can be found here:
You can find out more about the IGIBS project here:
And you can find out more about the NatureLocator project here:
Please do feel free to forward this information on to any colleagues or
mailing lists that you think may be interested in the Collaborative by
Nature event.
The JISC GECO team, who are supporting a broad array of JISC-funded geo
projects, will also be blogging and tweeting from this event so if you
or your colleagues are unable to attend do keep an eye on the JISC GECO
blog (http://geco.blogs.edina.ac.uk/) and the hashtag #gecoenv for
reporting of the event.
We do hope to see you or your colleagues at this event.
Many thanks,
Nicola Osborne
JISC GECO Project Team
JISC GECO website and blog: http://geco.blogs.edina.ac.uk
Follow us on Twitter: @jiscGECO
JISC GECO is a project based at EDINA: http://www.edina.ac.uk/ and
funded by JISC: http://www.jisc.ac.uk
a: EDINA, The University of Edinburgh, Causewayside House, 158-162
Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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