[OSGeo-Edu] OGRS 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-13, 2014

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 02:25:49 PDT 2013

[apologies for cross-posting]

Dear attendees of previous OGRS symposiums, members of OSGeo-edu and ICA 
open source communities, others,

As a chair of the next OGRS symposium I am pleased to announce and 
invite you to participate in OGRS 2014. The web site is alive at


Please read more about the symposium from there. We will be announcing a 
call for papers later. This time we solicit your offers and proposals 
for Workshops:


We are excited about hosting the symposium June 10-13, 2014 on the 
campus of Aalto University and sincerely plan to make the event 
beneficial and fruitful for the whole open source geospatial research 
and education community. Please plan to submit your work and attend the 
symposium, and bookmark the web page for later reference.

Best regards,

Ari Jolma

PS. If you want to be removed from the private list let me know.

Professor Ari Jolma
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Aalto University
tel: +358 50 347 6463
Email: ari.jolma at aalto.fi

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