[OSGeo-Edu] [OSGeo-Discuss] Web cartography, SLD

Olivier Ertz olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch
Fri Dec 9 10:03:00 PST 2016

may be this tutorial on SLD/SE1.1 with deegree3 is useful (it has been 
built at the time of FOSSGIS 2013 in Switzerland):

Like GeoServer, deegree3 is a WMS/SLD OGC reference implementation, but 
in 2013, it was also compliant with Symbology Encoding 1.1 (SE) which is 
part of the replacement of the deprecated SLD 1.0. Moreover SE1.1 does 
offer few new capabilities, especially transformation functions 
(interpolate, recode, categorize).

Of course, GeoServer does offer interesting additional "vendor 
capabilities", but if you want portrayal interoperability, then you 
shall not use them. Nonetheless, these are often relevant capabilities 
which are currently taken into account in the current on-going redesign 
process at OGC, although it is quite a slow process, unfortunately.

If you are interested in this redesign, there is an article "/Redesign 
of OGC Symbology Encoding standard for sharing cartography/" which tries 
to summarize some of the major ideas to build a sustainable next 
generation SE standard (https://peerj.com/preprints/2415). Feel free to 

Hope this can help you.

Best regards,

On 12/01/2016 07:44 PM, stefan steiniger wrote:
> Hey,
> I know of these 2 tutorials in Cartographic Perspectives by Richard G Donohue, Robert E Roth, and Carl M Sack on web cartography:
> https://github.com/uwcart/cartographic-perspectives
> but its not about SLD. For SLD it may be best to check the GeoServer Documentation directly
> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/styling/sld/cookbook/
> Although it also turns out that only half of the stuff is documented if I follow the GeoServer user list correctly ;).
> best,
> Stefan
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 10:56, Regie Alam<regie.alam at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>>      Do any of the members in the list know of training and/or educational opportunities on web cartography and the use Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)?
>> Best Regards,
>> Regie
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HEIG-VD, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Pr. Olivier Ertz, département comem^+
Professeur HES associé / Ingénieur Universitaire Master

HES-SO / UAS, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
MEI, Media Engineering Institute :: http://www.heig-vd.ch :: 

"Aucune carte du monde n'est digne d'un regard si le pays de l'utopie 
n'y figure pas." - Oscar Wilde

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