[OSGeo-Edu] [OSGeo-Discuss] Web cartography, SLD

Olivier Ertz olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch
Tue Dec 13 05:30:38 PST 2016

Right! seems the link to my old sample data is missing. I will try to 
find them back and tell you.

Yep, would be interesting to test with the latest GeoServer.

Especially I remember that I had some difficulties to use the MarkIndex 
capability of SE with deegree3 (see discussion 
No idea how GeoServer does implement what the SE spec describes about 
this MarkIndex (at the time of writing the tutorial, I finally decided 
to remove the Markindex example from it).

Best regards,

On 12/09/2016 09:04 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Olivier Ertz <olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch 
> <mailto:olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch>> wrote:
>     Like GeoServer, deegree3 is a WMS/SLD OGC reference
>     implementation, but in 2013, it was also compliant with Symbology
>     Encoding 1.1 (SE) which is part of the replacement of the
>     deprecated SLD 1.0. Moreover SE1.1 does offer few new
>     capabilities, especially transformation functions (interpolate,
>     recode, categorize).
> GeoServer also provides incomplete support for SE 1.1, and full 
> support for the transformation functions, but they are so seldomly 
> used in combination
> that I cannot be sure they would be handled properly.
> I was hoping to find an example ready to customize in the tutorial 
> you're linking, but could not see it (I could also not find a full
> style to just cut/paste, is it by any chance available along with the 
> sample data? I'd be curious to try that map out on a recent GeoServer).
> The main missing point in GeoServer SE support is raster symbolizer, 
> the vector symbolization should mostly work.
> Hopefully it's going to get better with the interest the user 
> community is showing for style export between
> QGIS and GeoServer (and for once, that will make for a use case meant 
> for SE/SLD, that is, machine generation of the
> styles as opposed to manual editing).
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> http://goo.gl/it488V for more information.
> ==
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HEIG-VD, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Pr. Olivier Ertz, département comem^+
Professeur HES associé / Ingénieur Universitaire Master

HES-SO / UAS, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
MEI, Media Engineering Institute :: http://www.heig-vd.ch :: 

"Aucune carte du monde n'est digne d'un regard si le pays de l'utopie 
n'y figure pas." - Oscar Wilde

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