[El] pcraster support in GDAL/OGR 1.7.2 release (1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.i386) ?

Mauricio Zambrano mauricio.zambrano at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Wed Oct 27 03:34:08 EDT 2010

Dear Mathieu,

With a  lot of help from Peter, I managed to re-compile the sources of
the stable version of gdal
(http://elgis.argeo.org/repos/5/elgis/SRPMS/gdal-1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis.src.rpm )

and now I have gdal with PCRaster support enabled.

However, RHEL is showing that there is an update for gdal:

 Package                       Arch                   Version
Repository               Size
 gdal                          i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   5.9 M
 gdal-devel                    i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   2.3 M
 gdal-java                     i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   123 k
 gdal-perl                     i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   357 k
 gdal-python                   i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   446 k
 gdal-ruby                     i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   169 k
 gdal-static                   i386
1.7.2-5_0.el5.elgis                   elgis                   4.1 M

and I would like to knwo if installing that update, I will lose the
PCRaster support.

The repositories that I have enabled in my computer are:

$ yum repolist
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
*Note* Red Hat Network repositories are not listed below. You must run
this command as root to access RHN repositories.
repo id                   repo name                               status
elgis                     EL GIS 5 - i386
enabled:    32
elgis-plus-testing        EL GIS 5 Plus Testing - i386
enabled:    17
elgis-plus-testing-source EL GIS 5 Plus Testing - i386 - Source
enabled:     5
elgis-source              EL GIS 5 - i386 - Source
enabled:     8
epel                      Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled: 4,742
epel-debuginfo            Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled: 1,389
epel-source               Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled: 2,830
epel-testing              Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled:   411
epel-testing-debuginfo    Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled:    53
epel-testing-source       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 -
enabled:   122
rhel-debuginfo            Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5Client - i386
enabled: 2,865

Thanks in advance,


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On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 16:53 +0200, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> > How can I know form the command line wich repository is enabled ?
> yum repolist
> yum repolist all
> >> I'll merge your effort later in testing.
> I'll have a closer a look at this soon!

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