[El] New Install - And Errors

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Thu Sep 23 17:42:17 EDT 2010

Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> Hi Bill,
>> These are the switches I used when I built the original database:
>> ./configure  \
>>  --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \
>>  --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \
>>  --with-proj=/usr/local/ \
>>  --with-proj-libdir=/usr/local/lib/
> The postgis spec file is here:
> https://projects.argeo.org/elgis/svn/factory/trunk/rpmbuild/elgis/postgis/SPECS/postgis.spec
> The configure is at the line 78 and it doesn't indeed have many options:
> %configure --with-gui
> But my understanding is that the configure automatically finds its
> dependencies (geos, proj, postgres) which are installed at standard
> locations via RPMs (otherwise the build would not go very far I guess)
PostGS would be pretty useless without PG and GEOS, and PG needs PROJ, 
so it would make sense that these would be included as the default 
setting. But the docs don't say. So I explicitly set them just to be on 
the safe side. But I think you're right; PostGIS must be able to find 
these packages, because if the RPM doesn't specify them, I'm sure you 
would have by now if it couldn't find PG. So I think we're OK on that.

>> ERROR:  aggregate public.st_union(geometry) does not exist
> I am especially surprised that such a basic function does not exist.
That's a postgres stored procedure, and the only way that gets into the 
system is when you run it.So I bet there's a sript that needs t be run 
first I bet we didn't "spatialize" the database yet.
> Maybe your problems could be due to syntax changes with PostGIS 1.5?
> (just an idea)
> Did you run the initializations scripts? (some file names changed)
Initialization scripts? What initialization scripts?  ;-)
I think I'll go look for those.

Like this one:? (for restoring data after a hard upgrade)
       $ sh utils/postgis_restore.pl lwpostgis.sql newdb olddb.dump > 
I had forgotten about these.  So I'll just go back and RTFM and do what 
it says.

If that doesn't work, then I'll be back.

Thanks Matthew!


*Bill Thoen*
GISnet - www.gisnet.com <http://www.gisnet.com/>
1401 Walnut St., Suite C
Boulder, CO 80302
303-786-9961 tel
303-443-4856 fax
bthoen at gisnet.com

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