[El] New Install - And Errors

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Fri Sep 24 16:03:30 EDT 2010

Peter Hopfgartner wrote:
>> options:
>>> %configure --with-gui
> In this case, I think that something like gtk+-devel should be in the "BuildRequires".
> Short poll: is there any interest in building the GUI, which, if I'm right is the GUI for shp2pgsql, which is the shapefile loader of PostGIS. Should this be a separate package? Many people use PostgreSQL/PostGIS on servers without X, which would not be possible if we include Gtk+ as a dependency.
Since you  asked, IMHO  shp2pgsql and all file converters are more 
useful as command-line filters. I wouldn't have any use for a GUI to run 
something as simple as that..

Incidentally, after installing the ELGIS package and moving my old data 
to the new box and finally running the initialization scripts that I had 
forgotten all about it looks like I have a complete and working spatial 
database upgrade on a new machine now. Thank you all for your help!


*Bill Thoen*
GISnet - www.gisnet.com <http://www.gisnet.com/>
1401 Walnut St., Suite C
Boulder, CO 80302
303-786-9961 tel
303-443-4856 fax
bthoen at gisnet.com

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