[ELGIS] Re: [SpatiaLite-Users] RFC: Renaming libspatialite.so, version 3, to libspatialite3.so

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Thu Dec 15 02:38:15 EST 2011

Hi Sandro,

fiddling in the Makefile.am worked. What I wanted to achieve, was to 
change the library name from libspatialitwe to libspatialite3. This 
allows me to make rpm for both, version 2.4 and 3 and install them both. 
Still, I'm not convinced, then this approach makes a lot of sense, since 
any package, which would target spatialite, version 3, would need to 
look for libspatialite3 and not libspatialite.


On 12/14/2011 10:01 AM, a.furieri at lqt.it wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:44:35 +0100, Peter Hopfgartner wrote
>> Does anybody know if I can change the name of the so file
>> through configure. Or do I have to patch the package?
> Hi Peter,
> the current so name is fully supported by configure.
> open this file:
> -/src/Makefile.am
> and then find the following line:
> libspatialite_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 4:0:0
> please note: after changing this value you have to
> rebuild the configure scripts from scatch in order
> to really apply the new value.
> I usually adopt the following sequence:
> # make distclean
> # aclocal
> # libtoolize
> # autoconf
> # automake --add-missing -foreign
> # ./configure
> # make
> let me know any further advancement about this topic
> bye Sandro

Dott. Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
Via Johann Kravogl-Str. 2
I-39012 Meran/Merano (BZ)
web  : www.r3-gis.com
mail : peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
phone: +39 0473 494949
fax  : +39 0473 069902

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