[El] RHEL5: Problem with Qgis 1.6.0 and some python-dependant plugins

Volker Fröhlich volker27 at gmx.at
Wed Mar 30 15:40:47 EDT 2011

Dear Micha,

Grass-libs is a normal sub-package, which is quite easy to create with RPM. 
It's likely there to avoid multi-arch problems or to slim down for packages 
requiring it.

The problem is not basically creating an RPM. In order to be an EPEL 
maintainer, you must become a Fedora maintainer, which takes some time. 
Whenever something goes wrong with the packages, it is your job as a 
maintainer, to get things working again. There is a long list of criteria you 
need to care about. Therefore I don't want to add Grass to my list at the 

It's good to hear though, Grass builds fine on EL6! If you are interested in 
packaging, download the source RPM, either from ELGIS or from here: 

Source RPMs contain the source tarball, as well as all patches, additional 
files and the spec file. You can easily work your way from there. Feel free to 
query me, if you have questions.

As of Python: Yes, that sounds pretty hard. I think, most plug-in developers 
are not aware of that problem, too.


Am Mittwoch 30 März 2011, 21:12:37 schrieb Micha Silver:
> Hi Volker:
> The compile of GRASS on a fresh install of Scientific Linux 6 was quite
> painless. All dependencies were available from EPEL. Which leads me to
> believe that making an RPM should also be smooth. I see that on Fedora
> the GRASS rpms are divided into two: grass and grass-libs (actually
> there's also grass-devel, of course). I don't know how to do this. With
> some guidance I'd be willing to try to build a set of rpms.
> Trying to get QGIS to work on RHEL5 will, as you probably know, be a
> constant uphill battle. With all the new python 2.6 requirements it
> means constantly jumping thru hoops just to get it to work. THen, a week
> later some new plugin for QGIS will come out, which needs another new
> python package which will also not be available... I'm not sure the
> effort would be worth it. RHEL 6 is now what people will be using for
> desktops, with SL-6 already out, and CentOS-6 probably quite near...
> Regards,
> Micha
> On 03/30/2011 06:41 PM, Volker Fröhlich wrote:
> > I'm planning to put QGIS into EPEL, but haven't done so, since we're
> > missing Grass there. Sadly the maintainer disappeared several months
> > ago. Maybe I'll build one without Grass support for 1.7. I might have to
> > take the ownership of GDAL as well, but I don't have a lot of time and
> > there are still several glitches in the GDAL packages.
> > 
> > Volker
> > 
> > See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GIS#Missing_dependencies_in_EPEL
> > 
> > Am Mittwoch 30 März 2011, 10:40:14 schrieb Mauricio Zambrano:
> >> On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 09:39 +0200, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> >>>> BTW, do you know if ELGIS repository  will be available for RHEL6 ?
> >>> 
> >>> ELGIS will be available for ELGIS, but the plan is to have more
> >>> packages maintained by EPEL for EL 6 (there are already quite a few
> >>> there).
> >> 
> >> Thanks.
> >> 
> >> I saw that gdal-1.7.2-1.el6.i686 and proj-4.7.0-1.el6.i686 are already
> >> there.
> >> 
> >> Do you know if Qgis is one of the packages that should pass to EPEL  ?
> >> 
> >> I'm curious about this because I need to migrate the machine I'm using
> >> at work from RHEL5 to RHEL6, but I can not try this until gdal, proj,
> >> qgis (and hopefully grass) will be available for RHEL6.
> >> 
> >> Cheers,
> >> 
> >> Mauricio
> > 
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