[El] GRASS 6.4.1 on SL 6

Volker Fröhlich volker27 at gmx.at
Sun May 15 17:59:20 EDT 2011

Speaking for EPEL/Fedora: We're lacking packagers to care for the GIS 

Not knowing anything about mesa-libGLw, I don't feel able to maintain it in 
EPEL. I asked Fedora's maintainer whether he wanted to take this one to EPEL, 
but got no answer so far.


Am Sonntag 15 Mai 2011, 22:08:34 schrieb Micha Silver:
> I've managed to build RPMs for the recent GRASS 6.4.1 on Scientific
> Linux 6, 64 bit. I got everything I needed from the Fedora 15 src rpm, +
> one package that is not yet available for RHEL 6: mesa-libGLw and its
> -devel, also from the FedoraPorject koji site.
> Here are my notes:
> http://www.surfaces.co.il/?p=1016
> So:
> * Thanks to the Fedora project and devs who are doing all the development
> * What can I do to encourage elgis or EPEL to offer GRASS (and the
> missing dependency: mesa-libGLw and mesa-libGLw-devel) for
> RHEL6/CentOS6/SL6??
> Regards,
> Micha
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