[El] Missing qt-webkit-devel while rebuilding QGIS

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Tue May 17 02:56:56 EDT 2011

Peter Hopfgartner
--------Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote--------
Subject: Re: [El] Missing qt-webkit-devel while rebuilding QGIS
Date: 16.05.2011 12:18

>> It seems that qt4-webkit-devel is required but I don't have a clue where
>I can get one for SL6.
>Are you rebuilding the current ELGIS 5 QGIS package?
>Or the one from Fedora?

I rebuild the 1.6.0-2 version from Fedora.

>Maybe they don't create a separate *-devel package for it anymore, but
>the required stuff is in another devel? (like qt-devel)
The rpm hinted by Micha did the job: 

>Just wild guesses (I'm on CentOS 5.6 as I write).
>My general feeling is that QGIS can be a tough nut to crack anyhow due
>to its broad dependency tree. I would first focus on server-side
>stuff, then GRASS, and only then QGIS.
>(I don't know where you currently stand)
I did recompile GRASS, but I won't go into details, since I like Micha's approach more. Except the GL issue, everything was fine.

The same holds true for QGIS. Once the above dependency was installed, the package compiles flawlessly on SL6. For installation it needs gpsbabel. I rebuild the current Fedora package for that.

My general impression is, that building GIS packages is easier on EL6 then on EL5, mostly because of a more current software setup.

So let's hope that CentOS 6 comes out soon!


R3 GIS Srl - GmbH

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