[ELGIS] Test a spec...

Mathieu Baudier mbaudier at argeo.org
Fri Nov 18 02:50:59 EST 2011

On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 23:18 -0800, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> > - I've attached the SPEC for GPSTK in case others can test
> > <gpstk-1.7.spec>
> Anyone got a sec to test building and installing gpstk for me?

Not yet, but soon.

> Also feel free to suggest next steps with it, since it was my first
> attempt to learn the ropes.  It's been fun learning.  

Next step will be to integrate it in the SVN repo and build packages in
testing for it.

If, as I suspect, this is a dependency for your goal to build higher
level packages maybe we will wait that all necessary packages are
available before providing RPMs?

> Next up I have the infamous OpenSceneGraph package to 
> understand.  I've always had to build it with a few different
> configuration settings than the default builds.  

Good luck. I already tried on EL 5...
But that will be really great when we have it!

> But now I'm wondering at what point should ELGIS host a 
> build to support its packages - vs - trying to somehow use 
> a package that already exists in Fedora but maybe not for
> the most recent version or with the options dis/enabled for
> my purpose. 

I'm not sure that I understand your question.
This is precisely what we are doing, aren't we?

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