[ELGIS] Using Fedora Git for ELGIS

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Thu Nov 22 00:52:50 PST 2012

On 11/21/2012 12:59 PM, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> Hello,
Hi Mathieu,
> as you know, quite a few GIS packages are available in EPEL
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL) and most our packaging work has
> been around repackaging and backporting the Fedora packages (most of
> them greatly maintained by Volker), in order to have more recent
> versions.
> So instead of maintaining our own Subversion repository [1], I have
> been experimenting with the following approach:
> - for each package, make a clone of the related Fedora Git repository
> (one par package, which also contains a 'el6' branch, for EPEL)
> - create a new branch 'elgis6' from the 'el6' branch
> - merge from Fedora's 'master' branch
> - adapt to EL6 (using the tips and tricks we already have in our spec
> files in Subversion)
> Benefits:
> - make collaboration with Volker and other Fedora packagers much easier
> - use mock --scm-enable command for reproducible builds at various
> locations (I have tested it and will post an how-to soon)
> - have people maintaining there own branch for specific purposes (I'm
> thinking of R3, or even OpenGeo) with merges back and forth
> I have already the latest stable geos working with this approach:
> http://elgis.argeo.org/gitweb/
is there a specific reason not to use widely used service like GitHub?
> My plan is:
> - to rebuild the core packages (geos, proj, GDAL, GRASS, PostGIS v1.x
> and QGIS) this way
> - move the current testing to stable
> - publish the new packages to testing.
> Thanks in advance for your comments,
> Mathieu
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Enterprise_Linux_GIS#How_to_hack_and_locally_build_the_ELGIS_packages
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Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
web  : http://www.r3-gis.com

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