[ELGIS] Problem installing Quantum GIS on CentOS 6

Titus Gregory titus.gregory at gmail.com
Mon May 13 13:21:03 PDT 2013

Hello all,

I am trying to install Quantum GIS on my Linux CentOS 6 virtual
machine (running on VMware).

This website advises me to visit the ELGIS repository:

I then visit elgis.argeo.org and successfully execute the command:
rpm -Uvh http://elgis.argeo.org/repos/6/elgis-release-6-6_0.noarch.rpm

What do I do now? There is no Quantum GIS icon on my desktop. I typed
the command
find / -name qgis*
in the system terminal to search for Quantum GIS, without success.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Titus Gregory

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