[ELGIS] Collaboration on Packaging software [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Thu Sep 18 00:37:38 PDT 2014

On 09/18/2014 04:00 AM, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Colleagues,
> We are in the process of implementing a series of software environments within RHEL and possibly CENTOS.
> A number of these environments will require the latest stable versions of open source spatial software.
> One of my staff members (Anu) has experience at packaging software as RPMs for deployment to RHEL via a private repository.
> We're interested in collaborating with the appropriate open source spatial RPM packaging communities to ensure that we can contribute our work, as well as utilise suitable packages that have already been developed.
> Can anyone suggest a good starting place for Anu to get up to speed on 'how things are done' with the ELGIS (and possibly other related) community, together with any relevant policies for software version selection etc?
> Bruce
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In case I do have reasonable current packages for CentOS 6  for a number 
of GIS packages, in particular for MapServer 6.4, MapCache 1.2.1, 
TinyOWS 1.1.0, GDAL 1.9, SpatialIte 4.1 and RasterLite, which I can share.



Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
Via Johann Kravogl-Str. 2
I-39012 Meran/Merano (BZ)
web  : www.r3-gis.com
mail : peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
phone: +39 0473 494949
fax  : +39 0473 069902

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