[EU] Side event on FOSS4G 2016

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Apr 27 23:20:05 PDT 2016

Hi Dirk,

for me sounds like a good idea and I directly have some ideas in mind, 
what we could do.

1. We still have some slots for our topic talks ('TT') available. These 
are 90-minutes slots, we want to dedicate to a specific topic. The 
format is different from the normal presentation-slots. One moderator 
runs the show and introduces to the topic and to perhaps 3-4 short 
speakers, that have a talk each approx. ~ 10 minutes. Then trying to 
start a discussion.
We are not quite sure yet how to present the results form our TT to the 
auditorium, but we'll find a way ;-). I talked to Arnulf (CC) about 
having a TT about standards, OGC and INSPIRE anyway, so that might fit 

2. What I also can offer (not 100% for sure, I have to ask, but they 
already offered me) are one or two workshop rooms in the IHK Bonn on 
monday, 22nd of August, this is the same building where we'll have our 
B2B meeting on 23nd. The rooms have a capacity of perhaps 12 and 20 
people. This is somehow divorced from the CodeSprint, but perhaps fits 
better? The rooms would be for free.

3. Of course we could do kind of side-event inside BaseCamp as well. We 
do not expect so much Code Sprinters as we thought in our first 
plannings. There is a small stage as well and enough room to get s.t.h 
like an un-conference organized.

4. It's early enough to organize s.th. else, if wanted.

Perhaps we could do both, your suggested un-conference and the TT. But 
for the TT somebody must take this in his/her hands...

Regards, Till

Am 2016-04-28 01:25, schrieb Dirk Frigne:
> Hi Till,
> Hi EU- local chapter list
> I just had a phone call with Robin Smidth (JRC) this afternoon,
> preparing the INSPIRE / OSGeo workshop on the GWF conference.
> One of the idea's is to do something with the results of our OSGeo /
> INSPIRE workshop on the FOSS4G event. Robin suggests to organise a 
> sort
> of side event, but I think we can do that during the code sprint, and
> organise an un-conference for non-coders. Do you think this is a good
> idea? The people we address on this event are people from the member
> states and people from EU administrations, and bring them together 
> with
> OSGeo ambassadors, to discuss how we can benefit from each other.
> I want to find out if next year, the FOSS4G-E conference can be
> organised together with the INSPIRE conference, and this 
> 'un-conference'
> could be a great first step to break the ice.
> This could be a first 'EU Local Chapter' event.
> --
> Yours sincerely,
> ir. Dirk Frigne
> CEO @geosparc
> Geosparc n.v.
> Brugsesteenweg 587
> B-9030 Ghent
> Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
> GSM: +32 495 508 799
> http://www.geomajas.org
> http://www.geosparc.com
> @DFrigne
> be.linkedin.com/in/frigne
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