[EU] Chapter creation as NGO

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Jan 12 06:10:57 PST 2017

Hi Dirk,

sorry, I guess you overrate my french knowledge ... perhaps I
understand, what is written (with much help from leo.org) but I am not
able to translate it.

If there is somebody that is able to translate it to true english, I
could translate the english version to german.

Regards, Till

Am 11.01.2017 um 18:16 schrieb Dirk Frigne:
> Hi Jeff,
> Ha, we don't laugh ...
> We appreciate the support from Canada:-)
> I think also we need this momentum to go on with the creation of the
> non-for-profit organisation.
> In Bonn there was a decision in the BOF meeting Wednesday August 24;
> 17:30, to go on with the initiative. The attendants decided that Vasile,
> Maria and myself should look for several alternatives, and in a meeting
> some time ago between Vasile, myself and Maria we decided to look if
> Spain should be a good country to create the organisation.
> Europe is a region with a lot of languages. And the organisation should
> be registered in the official language of the country.
> Belgium is a good alternative, because of the several official languages
> in place and the fact that anyone can become a founding member (no
> restriction on nationality).
> Some information (in Dutch) you can find here [1]
> The advantage of a Belgium as the country to host the non-for-profit
> organisation is that we can have the bylaws in all the official Belgium
> languages: French, Dutch and German. The English version can then be
> created as a reference for other language speaking members.
> Another advantage is that I have experience with non-for-profit
> organisations and organisations in general.
> We can use the bylaws of the OSGeo.be organisation as an example to
> start from (in attachement) as we besed these bylaws on OSGeo.org.
> These bylaws are in French and I can translate them to Dutch and
> English, Till can translate them maybe into German. We can publish them
> in the several official languages.
> I note following members as founding members (as of today 11/1/2017).
> If you are interested to join and are not yet on the list, please add
> your name on the wiki[2]
> Please give me also your birth date, place of birth and your official
> address. This should be sufficient for the registration.
> Dirk.
> [1] http://justice.belgium.be/sites/default/files/downloads/VZW_NL.pdf
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe
> On 11-01-17 14:47, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Hi MarĂ­a, all,
>> I am in full support of an official non-profit organization, around the
>> EU chapter of OSGeo.
>> Dirk and others know that I have been trying to help this along for
>> years now, even in person in meetings with Dirk, and I do understand the
>> importance of this official entity - it will open doors and give
>> opportunities.
>> The QGIS project did create its own official entity, QGIS.ORG registered
>> in Switzerland, but as a for-profit organization - I also supported that
>> creation, initially discussing with Tim and others, and it seems to be
>> doing great for their needs (similar to OSGeo, they just released their
>> 2016 financial report and are discussing their 2017 budget).
>> So I feel attached to this discussion, and am interested to help the
>> EU/Europe chapter formation along.  I also volunteer to help, and to be
>> listed as an initial member (before you laugh, consider that I have
>> attended almost all FOSS4G-Europe events, and never attended a single
>> FOSS4G-NorthAmerica event: that fact should show you the importance of
>> Europe for the OSGeo community).
>> I have read this whole thread and am interested in seeing this through.
>> So keep up the great momentum! :)
>> -jeff
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