[EU] [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Fwd: Official expression of interest forming a European Chapter

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Jul 26 04:33:18 PDT 2017

Dear Maxi, @all,

I think this was an issue, we already talked about on the BoF last week:
The goal of a OSGeo-Europe is **not** to establish a new hierarchy
between the existing european local chapters and OSgeo (world). 

I am personally member of a (forming) OSGeo-Europe as me-myself-and-I,
not as representant from FOSSGIS board (OSGeo local chapter D-A-CH).
Honestly there even was no "order" by FOSSGIS to become a member of
OSGeo-EU, the decision to join is 100% based on my own.

I became (founding) member, because I want to bring in my ideas and
power into the european local chapter. These ideas are different from my
motivation to be in our local FOSSGIS chapter.

This all means for me, that charter/board members of OSgeo or any local
chapter are not automatically member of OSGeo-Europe - but everybody
(even non-europeans) can become a member.

I agree in the point, that we need synergies to avoid duplication of
efforts and adoption of a common action line.

About the rest you wrote in your email I'd like to discuss when we are
done and be an official approved local chapter.


Am 25.07.2017 um 14:13 schrieb Massimiliano Cannata:
> Dear European charter members and OSGeo board,
> I would like to express my support for an OSGeo continental chapter
> and provide my point of view, that even if often considered
> uncomfortable, hope will bring discussion to improve.
> I hope that before starting the chapter:
> * there is a clear and equitable rule for using the OSGeo name in
> European bids (see h2020 for example) since this may be a competitive
> advantage.
> It is totally unclear to me how OSGeo-EU would relate to H2020
> projects for example:
> - Will it participate as a partner in any calls? 
> - How the selection of supported project will be done? 
> - How, in case of funding, allocated money will be distributed to members?
> * there is a defined and focused coordination with local chapters 
> - synergies are needed to avoid duplication of efforts and adoption of
> a common action line.
> - ideally I'd like to see a hierarchical structure from international
> to continental and national level "chapters" but this is a matter for
> the board..
> Here some proposed actions, 
> that in my opinion would demonstrate the open principle of the OSGeo
> European Chapter  community:
> * run a democratic election of the board representatives within 6
> months from the inception
> * include all the OSGeo charter member that express their willing as
> "full" member (was charter member in OSGeo not sure how "full member"
> is in OSGeo-EU)
> Regards,
> Maxi
> Il 24 lug 2017 2:56 PM, "Dirk Frigne" <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
> <mailto:dirk.frigne at geosparc.com>> ha scritto:
>     Maria
>     "is a member of a local chapter also a charter
>     > member of Eu Chapter? Or we will have a complex structure where
>     local
>     > chapter members can be not Eu charter members but charter members of
>     > OSGeo as a whole?"
>     No, as Jody and Lucca already mentioned, this is an organisation of
>     volunteers. Everybody who wants to volunteer can become a member, but
>     volunteers can also be 'only' OSGeo members.
>     The "official" OSGeo-Europe members are responsible to guard the
>     correct
>     working of the organisation, as a legal structure. 22 volunteers
>     expressed there interest to become a founding member and have
>     signed the
>     bylaws that we discussed last year as a google drive document, and
>     during the BOF of July 19 2017.
>     As a community we appreciate the help of everybody who wants to
>     promote
>     Geo free and open source software. Everybody who want's to support the
>     local chapter can add his name on the wiki [1]. As of today there are
>     already 27 names on the list. The bylaws have a mechanism to add these
>     members as "full members" during the next general assembly (a similar
>     process as for OSGeo.org).
>     But as Lucca already mentioned: it is more important to be a member of
>     OSGeo.org, although I hope we can make OSGeo.org stronger trough the
>     initiative we are setting up.
>     Once we've got our formal acceptance by the OSGeo Board, we will
>     publish
>     the bylaws in the Belgian Official Journal and create the legal
>     structure. We will start to setup the agenda of the typical European
>     points we want to work on this first year asap after acceptance.
>     Dirk
>     PS. I added the European list as I think this discussion also concerns
>     the European list.
>     [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe
>     <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe>
>     On 2017-07-23 15:32, Luca Delucchi wrote:
>     > On 23 July 2017 at 12:54, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com
>     <mailto:jody.garnett at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     >> All local chapters have the same relationship with OSGeo.
>     >>
>     >> A key reason to found a local chapter is to interact and
>     advocate for open
>     >> source on a regional city, state or national or union level -
>     something the
>     >> global osgeo organization is not in the best position to do.
>     >>
>     >> I do not think it is useful (or any of our business) to ask
>     about members
>     >> being automatically in a group. We are a volunteer organization
>     and members
>     >> volunteer where their hearts lie.
>     >>
>     >
>     > I fully agree with Jody, OSGeo EU will be a local chapter with its
>     > freedom as all the others, only the people who want be part of it
>     > should be part of it (for example I'm in Italian local chapter but
>     > right now I choose to not be part of OSGeo EU)
>     >
>     > As I already told during this days I don't fully believe on it right
>     > now (maybe in the future will be different) and I'm a little bit
>     > worried about the energy that it will take from other
>     > activities/chapter.
>     >
>     > However with more than 20 founders, most of them really well
>     known in
>     > the OSGeo family, I think that OSGeo EU should be accepted as new
>     > chapter.
>     >
>     > my2cents
>     >
>     --
>     Yours sincerely,
>     ir. Dirk Frigne
>     CEO @geosparc
>     Geosparc n.v.
>     Brugsesteenweg 587
>     B-9030 Ghent
>     Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
>     GSM: +32 495 508 799
>     http://www.geomajas.org
>     http://www.geosparc.com
>     @DFrigne
>     be.linkedin.com/in/frigne <http://be.linkedin.com/in/frigne>
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