[EU] Start of our activities

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Sep 13 06:20:40 PDT 2017


as said, if you prefer evening times, I can add them to the Doodle.

Because I am shareholder, I can add this to my job profile easly ;-)


Am 13.09.2017 um 14:40 schrieb MarĂ­a Arias de Reyna:
> Hi,
> I am a bit busy with the foss4g proposal, but you are right, we should
> start moving.
> Is there some specific reason to propose times inside the normal
> office time? Shouldn't it be outside the working time? Or not... I
> don't know if this is part of your job :)
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
>> Dear OSGeo-EU members,
>> I recently had the job to write a short message about formation of the
>> Local Chapter OSGeo-EU (in german). While writing I of course had some
>> glances on our WIKI pages and was also faced with our goals and missions
>> [1].
>> Now being approved by the board, I think we should at least start to
>> think about our first activities, because just having the envelope is
>> not listed on [1] ;-)
>> Maybe a good point to start might be ...
>> ... form a voted board (okay, we voted on the board, but not on posts,
>> but we listed Dirk as our president, Marc as our treasurer and ?? as
>> secretary). Maybe we think about a vice-president and so on.
>> ... think about at least having a homepage as point of contact for
>> finding us and being more representative than just a WIKI page
>> ... introduce us to various European Organisations such as (list is
>> mostly c&p from [1]):
>> notably OSM
>> JRC
>> European projects
>> SMESpire
>> ESA
>> [...]
>> If, of course we have to add other organisations you might have in mind
>> to the list, then have s.th. that introduces us better than an
>> unformatted WIKI page (e.g. Introduction letter, regular homepage (s.a.)
>> ?). Also we could offer to meet people from these organisations by
>> opportunity - if we find volunteers among us to do that (writing this, I
>> throw my hat in the ring)
>> As said, all these are just my first quick ideas. I formed a doodle in
>> order to schedule a meeting on IRC:
>> https://doodle.com/poll/2ear9qdzphwf6f9k
>> Feel free to add dates/times by sending them to me (can't find the handy
>> admin-link in doodle any more...)
>> Till
>> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe#Mission_and_objectives
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