[EU] Start of our activities

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 13 06:47:29 PDT 2017

Dear Till and fellow members,

A slight reminder that this is the "OSGeo-Europe" local chapter, as it 
is more inclusive than just "EU"; sorry for being picky but we need to 
be sure to use the correct terminology, at this early stage, before we 
start spreading this news.

For the IRC meeting, I have registered the channel "osgeo-europe", so we 
can use this from now on for meetings etc.  I'll add you and others as 
admins of the channel.  I have made a note of this in the 
"Communication" section of the Europe chapter wiki page.  (you can 
connect directly in your browser to this channel through 

Back to the "OSGeo-Europe" chapter name, I have filed a ticket to change 
the name of this mailing list from "EU" to "Europe", which cannot be 
done using the html admin interface but must be done on the server 
(https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1617), and also for changing the 
Nabble forum name from "European Union Chapter" to "European Chapter"

Sorry for being picky but it's best to do all of this at the beginning 
stage now, before we get too deep in this :)

(I've also entered my dates on the doodle)



On 2017-09-13 9:32 AM, Till Adams wrote:
> Dear OSGeo-EU members,
> I recently had the job to write a short message about formation of the
> Local Chapter OSGeo-EU (in german). While writing I of course had some
> glances on our WIKI pages and was also faced with our goals and missions
> [1].
> Now being approved by the board, I think we should at least start to
> think about our first activities, because just having the envelope is
> not listed on [1] ;-)
> Maybe a good point to start might be ...
> ... form a voted board (okay, we voted on the board, but not on posts,
> but we listed Dirk as our president, Marc as our treasurer and ?? as
> secretary). Maybe we think about a vice-president and so on.
> ... think about at least having a homepage as point of contact for
> finding us and being more representative than just a WIKI page
> ... introduce us to various European Organisations such as (list is
> mostly c&p from [1]):
> notably OSM
> European projects
> SMESpire
> [...]
> If, of course we have to add other organisations you might have in mind
> to the list, then have s.th. that introduces us better than an
> unformatted WIKI page (e.g. Introduction letter, regular homepage (s.a.)
> ?). Also we could offer to meet people from these organisations by
> opportunity - if we find volunteers among us to do that (writing this, I
> throw my hat in the ring)
> As said, all these are just my first quick ideas. I formed a doodle in
> order to schedule a meeting on IRC:
> https://doodle.com/poll/2ear9qdzphwf6f9k
> Feel free to add dates/times by sending them to me (can't find the handy
> admin-link in doodle any more...)
> Till
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe#Mission_and_objectives
> _

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