[fdo-internals] Unwinding FDO exceptions

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Feb 4 02:34:10 EST 2007


I'm not sure I understand how to process the roll of FDO exceptions,
so I'd like to ask for confirmation if I'm correct or not.

Here are blocks of nested try-catch that mimic situation in which an
exception is thrown by a callee and re-thrown by a caller, and so on.
In the catch clause, is presented the idea of unwinding nested
exception, using some pseudo-code to make the example simpler.

      throw FdoException::Create(L"First exception");
    catch (FdoException* ex)
      throw FdoException::Create(L"Second caused by first", ex);
  catch (FdoException* ex)
      throw FdoException::Create(L"Third caused by second", ex);
catch (FdoException* ex)
  // echo is a pseudo-code representing stdout action
  echo "*** FDO FAILURE ***\n"
  echo ex->GetExceptionMessage()

  FdoPtr<FdoException> cause(ex->GetCause());
  while(NULL != cause)
    echo "*** " + cause->GetExceptionMessage() + "\n"

    cause = cause->GetCause();

And here is the output:

  *** Third caused by second
   *** Second caused by first
    *** First exception

Is this output correct and as usually expected in FDO?
Is this correct to assume that exceptions are
queued as in FILO, First In - Last Out ?

Mateusz Loskot

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