[fdo-internals] Disable building managed FDO layer

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri May 2 12:02:30 EDT 2008

Greg Boone wrote:
> The .sh scripts will not build any managed components.

Great, this is the script I need.
Simply, I want to disable managed stuff for now on the FDO buildbot
to observe heaviness of the building process on that machine
and enable it if everything works well.

> As for the .bat scripts, just building the unmanaged components is
> not supported using command options.

Got it.

> Log a Ticket and I will see what
> I can do. For now, you can hard-code the configuration name specified
> in the ...\fdo\Fdo\build.bat script to be either "Debug Unmanaged" or
> "release Unmanaged"
> e.g.
> msbuild FDO.sln /t:%MSACTIONFDO% /p:Configuration="Release Unmanaged"
> /p:Platform=%TYPEPLATFORMFDO% /nologo
> /consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary

OK, I will submit a ticket but it will be a veeeery low priority for me.
As I said, the build.sh does the job for me.

Mateusz Loskot

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