[fdo-trac] #104: PostGIS provider cannot insert features with geometry

FDO trac_fdo at osgeo.org
Tue Aug 28 12:13:19 EDT 2007

#104: PostGIS provider cannot insert features with geometry
 Reporter:  cwilbur           |         Owner:  mloskot 
     Type:  defect            |        Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major             |     Milestone:  3.3.0   
Component:  PostGIS Provider  |       Version:  3.2.0   
 Severity:  3                 |    Resolution:          
 Keywords:                    |   External_id:          
Comment (by cwilbur):

 Replying to [comment:12 cwilbur]:
 > Jason, Mateusz, that's correct - the last patch is the latest suggested
 > I'm not sure why you guys are so worried about losing the ability to
 enter 3D data when it looks to me like you don't have it now (from
 > {{{
 >     // PostGIS Manual:
 >     // Strictly compliant OGC geometries cannot have Z or M values.
 >     // The IsValid() function won't consider higher dimensioned
 geometries invalid!
 >     // Invocations of AddGeometryColumn() will add a constraint checking
 geometry dimensions,
 >     // so it is enough to specify 2 there.
 >     int const dimension = 2;
 > }}}
 > I was going to run some tests with 3D data using the second
 (GeomFromText) and third (single quotes around WKB) proposed fixes, but
 the provider currently rejects 3D data completely. I'm guessing that's
 because it creates all geometry columns with 2 dimensions.
 {{{InsertCommand::Execute}}} aborts with an "Unsupported geometry type"
 exception if I pass 3D geometry.

 P.S. I tried changing int const dimension to 3 and inserting 3D geometry.
 Both the "GeomFromText" and "quoted WKB" methods (patches 2 & 3,
 respectively) failed with an "invalid geometry" exception. I'm not sure
 what's going wrong here.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/104#comment:13>
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Feature Data Objects

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