[Featureserver] OpenLayers+FeatureServer full transactional example

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Thu Jun 25 08:36:25 EDT 2009

Hi Josh,

  Sorry I'm late.  See below.

Josh Livni wrote:
> Hey Alexandre,
> I'm late to this thread, and on a place now w/no web access or copies 
> of FS on this laptop to try verify what you've been testing.  However, 
> a few things:
>  - The OL code in FeatureServer is, I believe, fairly old.  I would 
> not count on anything that is done there ( eg OpenLayers.Ajax.Request 
> instead of protocol.commit()) as being the latest/best way to take 
> advantage of OL.
>  - As you note, to delete features I think FS will take a POST request 
> with method=DELETE.     
>  - Can you tell us how you are running FS?  Via mod-wsgi?  as a cgi? 


>  - What DataSource are you using (eg PostGIS?)


>  - Finally, can you paste in the exact POST data you are sending (Eg 
> from firebug, your curl command, or whatnot), and associated URL when 
> trying to delete?


As Christopher mentioned, the proxy I'm using doesn't support PUT/DELETE.

>  -Josh

Alexandre Dubé

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