[Featureserver] Shifting Development Services

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Jan 15 14:55:18 EST 2010

> Generally speaking:
>  1. These are small projects. There isn't a lot of time that any committer
>     has, and any work that is done on these projects, for me personally,
>     is an alternative to spending time with my wife and kids. Sometimes,
>     they win :)


And they should most of the time.  First thing you'll know your kids are
going to be in college.  Sustainable computing development needs public
investment so that overworked people like you have some burden off their
shoulders and can have a life.  

I understand some folks like to work (8 + n)-hour days (8 on their day
job and n at night/weekends maintaining/developing FOSS projects) but
that isn't sustainable neither from a developer nor from a community
point of view.



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