[Featureserver] Shifting Development Services

Peter Robins fs at peterrobins.co.uk
Fri Jan 15 16:28:07 EST 2010

2010/1/15 Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com>:
>    has, and any work that is done on these projects, for me personally,
>    is an alternative to spending time with my wife and kids. Sometimes,
>    they win :)

of course! I never cease to be amazed at the time some people seem to
spend on FOSS.

> It is possible that moving to OSGeo doesn't help this

one advantage of OSGeo as opposed to the others might be to raise FS's
profile, and increase the no of people involved

> The best solution, if something you want isn't getting done is to first
> review if your emails have enough information, then to nag

consider this a nag :-)

> your DBM patch mentioned in november is confusing to me, and more context
> without me having to dig in the code would have made it more likely

some examples, perhaps? (tho as it's so long ago, I've rather
forgotten what I did)

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