[OSGeo Finance] Motion: Approve 2008Q3 Financial Statements

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Oct 30 12:28:53 EDT 2008

Ken Tamura wrote:
> This looks fine.  Vote: +1
> Future modifications that could be considered:  (1) Add to Balance Sheet
> Cash a section called 'unrestricted' and 'restricted';  


Currently the balance sheet does not have anything labelled "Cash".  Are
you referring to the section listing Bank Accounts under ASSETS->Current

This is derived from the actual bank account balances and I'm not sure
how to structure it to reflect some of that cash being restricted.

I presume you are suggesting doing this instead of showing restricted
project funds as a liability.  Is that right?

 > (2) Provide a summary income statement; and

Are you suggesting that there is too much detail in the existing
Income and Expenses document?

(3) Provide an additional report that provide
> YTD and/or other QTR for comparison.

I'm not sure what QTR means.

I would like to provide a version of the Income and Expenses document
that reflects summarizes the income and expenses to the end of the most
recent quarter so people have an idea how we are doing "on the year".
But thinking was that this would be an informational document and would
not need to be approved.  I'm assuming it would reflect the totals from
all the approved quarterly documents so far during the year.

One other concern is that it is not currently easy to relate our
income and expenses to the budget since very different breakdowns are
used.  I was considering manually preparing a wiki page at the end of the
year reflecting our actual performance compared to our budget.  I'm not
so keen on taking this on as a quarterly responsibility.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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