[ForestryTools] Objectives / Plan / Outline

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon May 27 08:35:47 PDT 2013

Hi Lee,

Your thoughts on http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Forestry_Tools are looking good to me.
I'm in favour of Github and spatialite as well.  Portability early on can help to really get more eyeballs looking at the project.

I didn't see any existing project in github for this, but anyone can start one and then we all just clone it and contribute back as needed.
I'm fine with starting one unless others have something already or think it should be under some sort of "group" id.  

As an aside, I see a user "mbask" has a github repository called "forestry" (https://github.com/mbask?tab=repositories) and includes some R... I'll email him to see if he wants to join us or maybe he has :)  You R gurus might like to see his stuff.


On 2013-05-27, at 8:02 AM, Lee wrote:

> Okay,
> I've put together a quick and dirty outline of perhaps the minimum features necessary for some basic usability. The outline describes some of these features a little further than I think what's needed off the bat. In either case, I wanted to assemble some degree of a "vision". 
> I've also established some "guidelines" of ideally how we want whatever created to be used and available. Take a look at these things. I'm just one guy. I just slapped my ideas on the page as a place to start. There's no way I'll get far on this alone, so let's make sure it reflects what you guys want as well.
> For the start, I think it's important we get something that's usable to the largest base of potential users so that we can attract interest and additional developers. At a later date, we can begin slapping in some of the more esoteric features.
> Finally, I moved the wish-list discussion to the talk page. I also added some "current tasks" and established leaders for working on those tasks. I'm going to continue plugging away at turning some of my R code into Python. Likewise, Abdoul volunteered to begin working on figuring out the database side of things.
> Jeff, do you still have inventory/data processing code and basic R calculations you're willing to share?
> A couple things we should settle now:
> 1. We had a discussion early on regarding using Google Code or Github. Qgis is on github, so using github would reflect current development. Github also has a wider userbase within our community. A google code group has already been established. It's also easier to use and is- from my perspective- better for collaboration and discussion. I can't seem to find a github... but I thought one had been created. In either case, it wouldn't be difficult. What do you guys want to use? Any preference?
> 2. Database: we began an early discussion around PostGreSQL/PostGIS or Spatialite. Spatialite is easier to setup and potentially more understandable to the non-technical user. PostGIS takes a bit of work to use and understand, but is far more robust. Potentially, we could start on one and offer support for both as the project progresses or needs arise. Personally, I tend to favor spatialite since I'm trying to encourage more use and we need as simple installation as possible. However, I understand it's limitations. Thoughts?
> Let's get moving!
> --
> All the best,
> Lee
> ISA Certified Arborist MI-4148A
> Registered Forester #46043
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