[ForestryTools] database/ early design

Lee muellerl at gmail.com
Thu May 30 15:20:25 PDT 2013

To not flood the other string with a new topic, here's a new email:

I had a long drive the other day, which gave me a good chance to think
things over regarding the database structure. Specifically, my current
"narrative" I put on the forestry tools wiki calls for just loading
external CSVs to do easy analysis, rather than porting into a database.

How do you feel about establishing initial functionality with simple
tables, opposed to database structure? Once we get an initial release out
and develop some interest, we could add more complex database support.

I'm not sold either way, I just thought it might be worth discussion. I'm
not sure what's simpler and more useful from a starting location.


All the best,
ISA Certified Arborist MI-4148A
Registered Forester #46043
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