[FOSS-GPS] Introduction

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas xurxosanz at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 07:00:03 EDT 2008

Hi, just to introduce myself:

I'm Jorge, from Valencia (Spain). I studied land surveying,
cartography and geodesy. My first master thesis (for land surveyor
degree) was about designing and creating a typical static GPS network
but I derived to cartography and specially GIS on last university

Nowadays I work at Prodevelop, developing several GIS applications,
specially at gvSIG project[1] and now gvSIG Mobile project[2]. On that
last project (a GIS for mobile devices like PDA, etc) we have some GPS
support, parsing NMEA, producing GPX output and so on, but we are
going to expand the GPS support to a more complete stack of features.

Best regards
[1] http://www.gvsig.gva.es/index.php?id=gvsig&L=0%2F&L=2
[2] http://www.gvsig.gva.es/index.php?id=descripcion&L=2&K=1
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía

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