[FOSS-GPS] rtklib: Initial setup

Degerman Pär par.degerman at scania.com
Mon Nov 29 06:26:49 EST 2010

Sure, I have recorded a one hour log using RTKNAVI. It can be downloaded from here:

It will be kept at that location for seven days.


-----Original Message-----
From: foss-gps-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:foss-gps-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Timo Juhani Lindfors
Sent: den 29 november 2010 11:07
To: Open Source GPS-related discussion and support
Subject: Re: [FOSS-GPS] rtklib: Initial setup

Degerman Pär <par.degerman at scania.com> writes:
> When I press start I get alternating Green and Dark Green light on a
> single light in the input section and a constant dark green light in
> the middle section. But no position whatsoever. Does anyone have a
> clue on what I should change to get this setup working?

I don't have Windows but I can work with the command line tools. Can
you save traffic that the GPS is sending through serial port for
e.g. 15 minutes and put that online somewhere so that we can take a
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