[FOSS-GPS] RTKLib and uBlox 7

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Wed Aug 21 16:56:02 PDT 2013


   Many thanks for the info.

My problem with my SuperStarII receivers (I have about 20 of these ) is 
that they are from an AVL system and I don't think they will spit out 
"raw" data.  Looking at their configuration (via StarView) I see:

I think the important part is the "Config #1 Part No : 169-613955-014".  
The 014 may correspond to the BLK014 label on the board, which may mean 
the same as 214 in the Firmware doc:

Or not; I haven't looked into it too much. But RTKib refuses to show 
positions from the SSII (but I may need to try again to get MSG #23 out 
of it).

- I need to look into the LEA-6H board I have. Not sure if it exposes 
the LEA-6H modules corrections input channel.  Fortunately 3DR publishes 
lots of info on it...

- the time-tagging may be a challenge. My plan is to have the on board 
flight controller (3DR APM v2.5) fire the camera (for now a 
point-and-shoot Canon).  The camera, APM, and GPS will all be generating 
time info, so hopefully I can come up with a scheme.

Again, many thanks for the info...

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 8/21/2013 3:36 PM, Michele Bavaro wrote:
> If I may, I'd like to add to the subject.
> - There are rumors about uBlox releasing soon a "7P" engine which 
> should support RAW data output. I am expecting it to be pin compatible 
> with 6 generation.
> - Using a SuperStarII on the UAV and a NEO6P as a base station.. 
> sounds very much like the other way around? If you use RTKLIB, there 
> is no point in streaming DGPS corrections to the Novatel receiver 
> (assuming RTKLIB converts the UBX to the "right" RTCM messages 1, 2, 3 
> and 9). RTKLIB onboard will do better than code differential by using 
> a loose "kinematic" solution (carrier-phase based). Also "6P" has a 
> crystal as onboard clock, which is known to be not great in terms of 
> accuracy and phase noise. A TCXO ("6T") is supposed to be better, but 
> really the Novatel should be the "base".
> - LEA6H accepts RTCM (code corrections) input as far as I know, an so 
> do "6T" modules. "6P" modules don't, since they offer inbuilt "PPP" 
> capability.
> - How do you time-tag the UAV pictures with GPS? I am pretty sure that 
> "T" modules have a EXTINT0 pin which records "events" in the digital 
> domain and causes the module to output a message with a very accurate 
> (sub-us) time-tag. You may refer to chapter 1.7.3 of NEO6 data sheet 
> (GPS.G6-HW-09005) and message UBX-TIM-TM2 for more details.
> Cheers,
> Mic
> On 21/08/2013 16:34, Brent Fraser wrote:
>> Weber,
>>   Well I really don't NEED to; it's more of an experiment to see if 
>> it will improve the performance of the UAV (likely more trouble than 
>> it's worth), or if it will improve the positioning quality of the 
>> imagery acquired from the UAV (it might).
>>   Currently I've got a uBlox Lea-6H 
>> (http://www.canadadrones.com/3DR-GPS-LEA-6-p/3dr-gps-lea-6.htm) 
>> supplying positions to the autopilot, but it has no raw data input(?) 
>> or output capability so the positions are likely in the +/-3m range 
>> (I really need to test that too).
>> Best Regards,
>> Brent Fraser
>> On 8/21/2013 12:15 AM, Weber wrote:
>>> Tomoji, thank you for the reply. For the moment I intend to work 
>>> with their 6T model.
>>> Brent, this may sound a stupid question but as I am moving from 
>>> industrial cameras development to UAV electronics, I have a lot to 
>>> catch up:
>>> Why do you need to input corrections into the onboard GPS receiver?
>>> What I've read on RTKLib docs about RTKNAVI dataflow, it only takes 
>>> inputs from the rover/basestation GNSS receivers.
>>> Weber
>>> Em Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:04:46 AM, Brent Fraser escreveu:
>>>> Weber,
>>>>   Interesting.  I'm planning to use RTKlib to implement RTK on my UAV
>>>> using an old Novatel SuperstarII on board which supposedly will take
>>>> corrections on its Com2 port (we'll see).  For the base station, I'll
>>>> use a ublox Neo-6p
>>>> (http://www.csgshop.com/product.php?id_product=103). And hopefully the
>>>> RTCM corrections can be transmitted via MAVlink on 3rd telemetry
>>>> radios....
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Brent Fraser
>>>> On 8/20/2013 2:52 PM, Weber wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Anyone has any experience about trying to make the uBlox 7 receiver
>>>>> work with RTKLib?
>>>>> Any expectations of how complicated/'how much code editing' it would
>>>>> require?
>>>>> The intention is to implement a RTK solution for UAVs.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Weber
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