[FOSS-GPS] PPP with RTKLib: RINEX O- and N- files?

julio menezes yjmenezes at yahoo.com.br
Wed Dec 18 11:28:45 PST 2013

Dear Anders Wallin

I am interested on PPP too.

<< Does this have something to do with the PPP mode kinematic/static/fixed?
<< Is there a way to tell RTKPOST that my receiver is fixed, no Nav data is required, 

<< and it processes just the Observation data?

For post-process PPP, i think you will need precise  SP3‐c precise orbits (sp3 ) , clock and ion ( *I ).
As your receiver is not moving,  PPP-static and  other options.
For GNU/Linux CUI  rnx2rtkp there are only 6:ppp-kinematic,7:ppp-static modes.

Perhaps setup informations about site displacement by earth tides, antenna phase center...

Fixed, i guess,  is  special  mode  provided  by  RTKLIB.  It’s  similar to static with  the  difference  that  rover’s  initial  position  is known.  Some one here can answer about it.

If you have NTRIP access you can performe Real‐time PPP with real‐time satellite orbit and clock provided as a NTRIP stream.  ( RTKNAVI or rtkrcv )


julio menezes

Em Quarta-feira, 18 de Dezembro de 2013 15:20, Anders Wallin <anders.e.e.wallin at gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi all,

I want to do PPP calculations based on RINEX files produced by a Dicom GTR51 timing/GPS receiver.

By default it produces RINEX 3.10 files with a filename O.Z which I assume is Observation data which is zipped - and this is the data I would like to use for the calculations.
But when I feed this to RTKPOST I get an error "no nav data"

I was able to succeed with this by manually exporting both an N-file and an O-file from the GTR51.
When both of these are used as input to RTKPOST, I get a PPP solution.

Does this have something to do with the PPP mode kinematic/static/fixed?
Is there a way to tell RTKPOST that my receiver is fixed, no Nav data is required, and it processes just the Observation data?

Anders Wallin

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