[FOSS-GPS] RTKlib begginer's question

Timo Juhani Lindfors timo.lindfors at iki.fi
Wed Mar 13 01:45:51 PDT 2013

oddpost <oddpost at ya.ru> writes:
> 2. but after set-nmea.py on and enable-raw.py are used, there are no any data 
> goes to /dev/ttySAC1 at all.

I personally use

~/scm/ubx/set-nmea.py off
~/scm/ubx/set-periodic-logging.py off
~/scm/ubx/set-periodic-raw-logging.py on
~/scm/ubx/set-baudrate.py 115200
~/scm/ubx/set-logging-rate.py 50

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