[FOSS-GPS] RTKLIB raw data

knightd tf_ale at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 26 10:35:10 PDT 2013

Dear ttaka,

What I mean is the following:
We have the GPS connected to an arm. Within the arm we have to have a
function called by our main (), or an external interruption, which go
directly read the output of the GPS (this output on my gps can be RS-232,
spi or pps) and then can you call the function input_raw the library here
(file) rcvraw.c right?
Or am I to understand it wrong way to interpret the data from the GPS?


View this message in context: http://open-source-gps-related-discussion-and-support.1099874.n2.nabble.com/RTKLIB-raw-data-tp7572740p7572748.html
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