bjorn.spockeli at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 09:01:19 PDT 2014
Im trying to run rtkrcv under linux, but i've run into some problems and it
would be great if anyone of you could point out what im doing wrong.
My setup is a ublox lea-6t reciever with a ANN-MS-0-005 Antenna connected to
the usbport of my desktop computer (running Linux Mint 17) with a Prolific
PL2303 USB-RS232 Converter.
The setup works perfectly with RTKNAVI ver.2.4.2 on windows.
I have done the following:
1) Cloned the RTKLIB git repository and install the following dependancies
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install checkinstall
sudo apt-get install liblapack3gf
sudo apt-get install libblas3gf
2)Ran makeall.sh in the app folder
3) navigated to rtkrcv/gcc and tried to run ./rtkrcv -s in terminal and got
the following error:
sh: 1: ./rtkstart.sh: Permission denied
command exec error: ./rtkstart.sh (32256)
rtk server start error
4) Used the following command to get access to the bash scripts
chmod +x rtk*.sh
5) Try to run rtkrcv with ./rtkrcv -s and get the following
invalid option value pos1-snrmask (./rtkrcv.conf:46)
** rtkrcv ver.2.4.2 console (h:help) **
rtkrcv> start
statup script ok
rtk server start error
6) At this point I found at that it is necessary to alter the config file. I
just altered the default rtkrcv.conf and tried to run rtkrcv with the
following command
./rtkrcv -s -o rtkrcv.conf
and this is what I got:
invalid option value pos1-snrmask (rtkrcv.conf:46)
./rtkstart.sh: 1: ./rtkstart.sh: #!/bin/sh: not found
startup script ok
rtk server start error
Below you can see the altered .conf file
# rtkrcv options (2010/08/12 07:12:16, v.2.4.0)
console-passwd =admin
console-timetype =gpst # (0:gpst,1:utc,2:jst,3:tow)
console-soltype =dms # (0:dms,1:deg,2:xyz,3:enu,4:pyl)
console-solflag =1 # (0:off,1:std+2:age/ratio/ns)
inpstr1-type =serial #
inpstr2-type =off #
inpstr3-type =off #
inpstr1-path =ttyUSB0:115200:8:n:1:off
inpstr2-path =
=anonymous:passwd at cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gps/products/%W/igu%W%D_%hb.sp3.Z::T=-14400,21600,7200,600
inpstr1-format =ubx #
inpstr2-format =ubx #
inpstr3-format =sp3 #
inpstr2-nmeareq =off # (0:off,1:latlon,2:single)
inpstr2-nmealat =0 # (deg)
inpstr2-nmealon =0 # (deg)
outstr1-type =off #
outstr2-type =off #
outstr1-path =
outstr2-path =
outstr1-format =enu # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
outstr2-format =nmea # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
logstr1-type =off #
logstr2-type =off #
logstr3-type =off #
logstr1-path =rov_%Y%m%d%h%M.log::T
logstr2-path =ref_%Y%m%d%h%M.log
logstr3-path =cor_%Y%m%d%h%M.log
misc-svrcycle =50 # (ms)
misc-timeout =30000 # (ms)
misc-reconnect =30000 # (ms)
misc-nmeacycle =5000 # (ms)
misc-buffsize =32768 # (bytes)
misc-navmsgsel =all # (0:all,1:rover,1:base,2:corr)
misc-startcmd =./rtkstart.sh
misc-stopcmd =./rtkshut.sh
file-cmdfile1 =../../../data/ubx_raw_5hz.cmd
file-cmdfile2 =../../../data/ubx_raw_5hz.cmd
#file-cmdfile3 =
pos1-posmode =single #
pos1-frequency =l1 # (1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5)
pos1-soltype =forward # (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined)
pos1-elmask =10 # (deg)
pos1-snrmask =0 # (dBHz)
pos1-dynamics =off # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-tidecorr =off # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-ionoopt =brdc #
pos1-tropopt =saas #
pos1-sateph =brdc #
pos1-exclsats = # (prn ...)
pos1-navsys =1 # (1:gps+2:sbas+4:glo+8:gal+16:qzs+32:comp)
pos2-armode =fix-and-hold #
pos2-gloarmode =off # (0:off,1:on,2:autocal)
pos2-arthres =3
pos2-arlockcnt =0
pos2-arelmask =0 # (deg)
pos2-aroutcnt =5
pos2-arminfix =10
pos2-slipthres =0.05 # (m)
pos2-maxage =30 # (s)
pos2-rejionno =30 # (m)
pos2-niter =1
pos2-baselen =1.1 # (m)
pos2-basesig =0 # (m)
out-solformat =llh # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
out-outhead =on # (0:off,1:on)
out-outopt =on # (0:off,1:on)
out-timesys =gpst # (0:gpst,1:utc,2:jst)
out-timeform =hms # (0:tow,1:hms)
out-timendec =3
out-degform =deg # (0:deg,1:dms)
out-fieldsep =
out-height =ellipsoidal # (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic)
out-geoid =internal #
out-solstatic =all # (0:all,1:single)
out-nmeaintv1 =0 # (s)
out-nmeaintv2 =0 # (s)
out-outstat =off # (0:off,1:state,2:residual)
stats-errratio =100
stats-errphase =0.003 # (m)
stats-errphaseel =0.003 # (m)
stats-errphasebl =0 # (m/10km)
stats-errdoppler =1 # (Hz)
stats-stdbias =30 # (m)
stats-stdiono =0.03 # (m)
stats-stdtrop =0.3 # (m)
stats-prnaccelh =1 # (m/s^2)
stats-prnaccelv =0.1 # (m/s^2)
stats-prnbias =0.0001 # (m)
stats-prniono =0.001 # (m)
stats-prntrop =0.0001 # (m)
stats-clkstab =5e-12 # (s/s)
ant1-postype =llh #
ant1-pos1 =0 # (deg|m)
ant1-pos2 =0 # (deg|m)
ant1-pos3 =0 # (m|m)
ant1-anttype =
ant1-antdele =0 # (m)
ant1-antdeln =0 # (m)
ant1-antdelu =0 # (m)
ant2-postype =llh #
ant2-pos1 =0 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos2 =0 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos3 =0 # (m|m)
ant2-anttype =
ant2-antdele =0 # (m)
ant2-antdeln =0 # (m)
ant2-antdelu =0 # (m)
misc-timeinterp =off # (0:off,1:on)
misc-sbasatsel =0 # (0:all)
file-satantfile =
file-rcvantfile =
file-staposfile =.
file-geoidfile =
file-dcbfile =
file-tempdir =temp
file-geexefile =
file-solstatfile =
file-tracefile =
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