[FOSS-GPS] RTKPos processing options

António Pestana afsm.pestana at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 04:25:34 PST 2015

I´m testing RTKPos processing options but I'm having trouble to fully
understand the meaning of some of the processing options available. I want
to compute de position of a "rover" (actually it is fixed to the ground...)
using another receiver as a base station. I'm able to collect (up to 20 Hz)
code and phase data from both GPS and GLONASS.

I'm looking for answers to the following questions:

a) What are the differences between position modes Single, Static,
Kinematic and DGPS/ DGNSS?

b)  What are the differences between Integer Ambiguity Resolution options
Continuous, Instantaneous and Fix&Hold?

I have a medium-level understanding of Kalman filtering and I'm aware of
the integer ambiguity resolution problem.

Can you help me?


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