[FOSS-GPS] RTKLIB: What about PPP-Fixed ?

Tomoji Takasu ttaka at yk.rim.or.jp
Wed May 6 16:45:33 PDT 2015

Dear Dimitris,

> I am using the package RTKLIB the last months,
> in order to evaluate the performance of Precise
> Point Positioning (PPP) technique. Does anyone
> know what the positioning mode PPP-Fixed in
> RTKLIB is ? Is it just for computing residuals?

It intends to be used for ZTD estimation or various
error analysis (for orbit/clock or multipath).

> And one more question, does anyone know
> how someone can use the method PPP-RTK
> within the package RTKLIB ?

If you mean "PPP-RTK" as "PPP-AR", read the last
paragraph of the manual E.8.


From: "Dimitris Psychas" <psxdimitris at hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 7:08 AM
To: <foss-gps at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [FOSS-GPS] RTKLIB: What about PPP-Fixed ?

> Hey to everyone,
> I am using the package RTKLIB the last months, in order to evaluate the 
> performance of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique. Does anyone know 
> what the positioning mode PPP-Fixed in RTKLIB is ? Is it just for 
> computing residuals?
> And one more question, does anyone know how someone can use the method 
> PPP-RTK within the package RTKLIB ?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Dimitris Psychas

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