[FOSS-GPS] Required files/products for post-processed PPP

Dimitris Psychas psxdimitris at hotmail.com
Sat May 9 01:59:57 PDT 2015

Hey everyone,

I would like to ask about the required files that someone needs in order to estimate PPP solutions.

Besides the precise orbit and clock products (sp3 and clk), observation and navigation files, is there any other file that someone should use for PPP estimation ? Is it mandatory to include ANTEX files (atx, pcv) for antenna phase center variations, or DCB files ?

Afterwards, in the case of multi-GNSS post-processing PPP, MGEX has not published any MGEX ANTEX files, so is it fine if igs08.atx file is used within the processing ?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Dimitris Psychas

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