[FOSS4G-Oceania] Proposed OSGeo stack beginner workshop, based on OSGeo-Live, presented at FOSS4G

Hildebrandt, John johnhild at amazon.com
Wed Jul 4 23:33:24 PDT 2018

Thanks I have submitted the Geoserver workshop on the FOSS4G Oceania web site as a start and happy to discuss other involvement.


Thoughts on our interaction? Provide Feedback here<https://feedback.aws.amazon.com/?ea=johnhild&fn=John&ln=Hildebrandt>.
John Hildebrandt Principal Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com<http://aws.amazon.com/>
E johnhild at amazon.com<mailto:johnhild at amazon.com> | M +61 428 968 555

From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 9:38 PM
To: Hildebrandt, John <johnhild at amazon.com>; Shaun Kolomeitz <kolomes at gmail.com>; foss4g-oceania at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: Proposed OSGeo stack beginner workshop, based on OSGeo-Live, presented at FOSS4G

John, I'm looping in the foss4g conference committee  via our public email list. I wouldn't be surprised if a few will jump in with suggestions.

I'm hoping to be able to catch you tomorrow.

Cheers, Cameron

On 3/7/18 7:53 pm, Hildebrandt, John wrote:
Yes the Geoserver workshop talks to leveraging a collection of services together to deliver a HA deployment so would be a good match
Yes happy for you to discuss with the committee memebrs.


Thoughts on our interaction? Provide Feedback here<https://feedback.aws.amazon.com/?ea=johnhild&fn=John&ln=Hildebrandt>.
John Hildebrandt Principal Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com<http://aws.amazon.com/>
E johnhild at amazon.com<mailto:johnhild at amazon.com> | M +61 428 968 555

From: S Kolo <kolomes at gmail.com><mailto:kolomes at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 2:47 PM
To: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
Cc: Hildebrandt, John <johnhild at amazon.com><mailto:johnhild at amazon.com>
Subject: Re: Proposed OSGeo stack beginner workshop, based on OSGeo-Live, presented at FOSS4G

Thanks Cameron,

John - Ive implemented full SDI stacks in my work place (using virtualised infrastructure) and was hoping to take this knowledge into using AWS / Cloud services space.

From a client perspective seeing how the components work in themselves is nice, seeing how they work in combo is better but importantly being able to adequately answer the questions " so when do I need component <x>" and "when would I use components <x><y> and <z>" of even more value. We are seeing more and more of our data migrate into the cloud so having an awareness of how to effectively leverage this would be great,

Thoughts ?


On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 10:54 PM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com<mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi John, would be great to have a chat, although I'm traveling till Tuesday and will likely be hard to catch before Wednesday.

Workshops are presentation selection will be largely selected by the community. I think what you are suggesting will be well received.

I'm interested to hear Shaun's thoughts and assuming you are ok with it, I'd like to discuss with other committee members.

All the best,


On 1/7/18 3:30 pm, Hildebrandt, John wrote:
Yes I would be interested in presenting at the FOSS4G conference in Melbourne. I could run my Geoserver on AWS workshop plus we did 2 presentations and another workshop at FOSS4G-NA that might be of interest.

We have a free tier for user with details here: https://aws.amazon.com/free/
Students and Staff can get free access via the AWS Educate program: https://aws.amazon.com/education/awseducate/
Researchers can apply for credits here: https://aws.amazon.com/research-credits/
Startups can leverage the AWS Activate program: https://aws.amazon.com/activate/

You can use VM Import to import your VM image see https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/vm-import/.
There are other options you might like to look at as well for hosting Geospatial applications.

Happy to chat further during the week.


Thoughts on our interaction? Provide Feedback here<https://feedback.aws.amazon.com/?ea=johnhild&fn=John&ln=Hildebrandt>.
John Hildebrandt Principal Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com<http://aws.amazon.com/>

From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 8:53 PM
To: Hildebrandt, John <johnhild at amazon.com><mailto:johnhild at amazon.com>
Cc: Shaun Kolomeitz <kolomes at gmail.com><mailto:kolomes at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Proposed OSGeo stack beginner workshop, based on OSGeo-Live, presented at FOSS4G

There are multiple possibilities, and I'm interested to gauge your level of interest and ability to commit.

1. I understand you have created a OSGeo workshop. Do you still have access to the material? Are you interested in sharing it? Ideally under some open license. I assume the material will need to be updated to the latest versions of software. Would you be interested in helping do this? Would you be ok with someone else updating your material? Would you be interested in presenting at the FOSS4G conference in Melbourne?

2. For OSGeo workshops, there is potential to tailor them to work within the cloud. Is there some arrangement that could be set up to have free student accounts to support this?

3. OSGeoLive is a Lubuntu linux distribution with 50 odd open source GIS applications + data + project overviews and quickstarts. It is regularly used within FOSS4G workshops, booted from a USB, Virtual Machine (and sometimes from a DVD). It would be great if we could extend it to work within the cloud. I'm not sure how achievable this would be, or how much work would be involved. It would be great to tap into your experience in helping answer some of these questions.

Hopefully there is a good business case for AWS to support these initiatives. Effectively it would be training GIS people how to use AWS.


On 29/6/18 8:36 pm, Hildebrandt, John wrote:
Sounds like a great idea keen to understand more and how you think we might be able to help.


Thoughts on our interaction? Provide Feedback here<https://feedback.aws.amazon.com/?ea=johnhild&fn=John&ln=Hildebrandt>.
John Hildebrandt Principal Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com<http://aws.amazon.com/>

From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com><mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 4:46 PM
To: Hildebrandt, John <johnhild at amazon.com><mailto:johnhild at amazon.com>
Cc: Shaun Kolomeitz <kolomes at gmail.com><mailto:kolomes at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Proposed OSGeo stack beginner workshop, based on OSGeo-Live, presented at FOSS4G

On 29/6/18 4:43 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for getting back. Below are some of the emails that we have been trading around the idea of creating an OSGeo stack beginner workshop, making use of OSGeoLive, and potentially taking it all to the cloud.

It would be great to loop you in on these conversations. As Shaun has noticed, you have shown how to get OSGeo in the cloud in a workshop. We'd be keen to work out how we can build upon that.

All the best,

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:10 PM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com<mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi folks,

Shaun Kolomeitz and myself were recently discussing the value that could
be gained by setting up a "beginners OSGeo full stack" workshop, which
served multiple needs and communities.

It would aim to help new users answer "when, what and how should I use
Open Source GIS".

Initially we would target a workshop at FOSS4G-Oceania [1] (in Melbourne
Australia in November 2018)

The aim would be to build upon OSGeo-Live [2], with the intent that the
training material would eventually become distributed with OSGeo-Live.
This brings the advantage that the training course would be continually
be getting updated with every software distribution, and setup glitches
would be significantly reduced because everything would be pre-installed
with OSGeo-Live.

Ideally, we would be this course to be run on the cloud. Again, the
advantage here is that we would be taking OSGeo-Live (along with OSGeo
applications) into a cloud environment.

In future versions, we would aim to team up with geo4all, universities
and educators, such that we can integrate OSGeo-Live and courses, and
help cross collaboration and maintenance between projects, programmers
and educators.

The first thing we want to do is work out if anyone is doing something
similar, or have material we can make use of, or have good ideas that we
should incorporate, or who would like to join us.

Introducing Shaun:

For those who don't know Shaun, he is someone I've known for years. He
has decades of experience with GIS, is an advocate Open Source GIS, and
is someone who has a track record of getting things done.

[1] http://foss4g-oceania.org/

[2] http://live.osgeo.org<http://live.osgeo.org/>
On 29/6/18 9:33 am, S Kolo wrote:
No, I haven't yet. Just accessing the free AWS servers requires credit card details (which I’m nervous at giving them).
I haven’t heard from anyone about the workshop idea except for the request to make it project focused.
That would be great  if you want to reach out.

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 at 9:29 am, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com<mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hey Shaun,

Have you had any luck connecting with AWS? I just noticed that two of the presenters live here in Australia. Herman Coomans even lives in Melbourne. I reckon we might be able to convince them to come along to the upcoming FOSS4G workshop.

If you haven't reached out to them, I'll do so now.



On 25/6/18 9:34 am, S Kolo wrote:
Thanks Cameron,

The report looks good.
Ive got some time this week so have started doing my research.
It would be great if I could get my hands on the docs (or even a video) for this - https://2018.foss4g-na.org/session/introduction-running-auto-scaling-geoserver-and-postgresqlpostgis-cloud-aws
Ive joined the Brisbane Amazon Web Services interest group here to see if I can discuss techy stuff with them in terms of SDI. Maybe I can get away with a free site to do the testing initially.
I'll join the foss4g-oceania and osgeolive list groups.


On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 8:27 AM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com<mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Shaun,
It was great to talk with you yesterday. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
I love the idea of creating full stack Open Source training material.
I put a proposal together for the UN to fund comprehensive training material here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19Di-WxImfPq5oF2jeBblxNjY0JYJoXegLc5jaTPjufM/edit#heading=h.g1mf7fn4rfea

This proposal never got up, but I think it has a lot of principles we can draw upon.

I think that the formula we aim toward is:
1. Create a "Lightning OSGeo Stack Workshop"
2. Start with the OSGeo-Live distribution, with the intent that we will get our material into the OSGeo-Live distribution. I can facilitate that. http://live.osgeo.org
3. Take one example through Postgres/PostGIS, GeoServer/GeoNode, QGIS, OpenLayers/Leaflet.
4. Target presenting at a FOSS4G workshop, which is a 3 hour slot. (We might ask to get 2 x 3 hour slots - we can decide that later).
5. Aim to make the workshop sustainable, but inviting the community use review it, use it, update it. I can help facilitate that.

The email lists I sit on, and which I think we can target are:
* https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeolive : Where we can get into the OSGeo-Live distribution
* https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss : Potential source of collaborators from specific projects
* https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g-oceania : To get us a slot at FOSS4G-Melbourne, and find Australian workshop collaborators.
* https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/geoforall : Universities. More talk than action, but potential source of collaborators
* https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/un : UN sponsored some training material we might want to use and get collaboration. Action here seems to be hidden within different companies.

If you only join one list, I'd say the foss4g-oceania is probably the one to join (initially), followed by osgeolive.


Cameron Shorter

Technology Demystifier

Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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