[FOSS4G-Oceania] Early Bird Ticket Allocation Increase

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 20:34:49 PDT 2018

Point of clarification here. We don't have a discount for speakers. There
are 10 discounted tickets allocated for workshop presenters, but we didn't
do so for speakers.

Recall 'FOSS4G SotM Ticket and Pricing Decisions' thread Alex kicked off on
31 Mar, which included this point. The conversation went more into CC
discounts, but generally there wasn't broad support for a speaker discount,
and so it wasn't included in the budget. Note that providing a $100
discount to 40 speakers would cost $4000, which hasn't been accounted for,
so it's not a change we could make lightly.

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