[FOSS4G-Oceania] Call for presentations & workshops - OPEN!

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 16:48:30 PDT 2018

Hey everyone

It's alive! The website is ready to accept submissions for workshops and
presentations. Thanks to Cholena for a late night troubleshooting session
to sort out an email spam issue.

Anyone who wishes to put in a submission will need to create an account and
fill in the relevant form (or follow the instructions for academic
submissions). I encourage everyone here to try it out and look for any
hiccups now so we can work out any bugs that arise and ensure a positive
experience for the community.

Please hit up your networks and spread the word. If you know anyone who
might have a good story to tell, encourage them to put in a submission. If
we're serious about encouraging diversity at our conference, this is one of
our best opportunities to actually make an impact. The #1 way we can ensure
there is decent representation of women, indigenous people, different age
groups, and other diverse parts of our community is to go out, find them,
and nudge them into putting in a submission.

I would like us to be able to offer support for people who might be a
little hesitant to put themselves forward. We could help brainstorm ideas
for talks, or help with abstracts. Those of you who are experienced
speakers might be in a position to coach or encourage new speakers. We
could offer technical help. It's on all of us to reach out to the whole
community and make sure it's not JUST the usual suspects (though, of
course, the usual suspects are very much welcome!).

I believe Alex is going to write up a blog post, I've tweeted, but the work
of promoting has just begun. Cameron has been reaching out to his network
through direct personalised emails, and I'd encourage everyone here to do
the same. This group has tremendous collective reach across the region,
let's make use of it!

(Can you tell I'm excited?)

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