[FOSS4G-Oceania] Pacific funding - blog post help?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 19:09:26 PDT 2018

Ok, I've just tweaked a few words, and added a wrap up statement at the end:


*If you’d like to hear about the strengths and weaknesses of this 
approach, along with many related presentations, then do come along to 
the FOSS4G-Oceania conference <https://foss4g-oceania.org/>this November.*


Based on wording here, it seems we are planning to guarantee these 
people a presentation slot. I'm ok with that as I think this is a 
strategic relationship which should be supported.

There is potential to get one of the presenters to add comment about 
what they plan to talk about, maybe as a quote. If someone wants to 
introduce to these people, via email or similar, I'd be happy to work 
with them to get the wording right.
Otherwise, the text is good as it is to go out:

On 29/6/18 10:35 am, Jonah Sullivan wrote:
> The text in the blog post is all that my office wants to say on the 
> subject.
> If more detailed information is needed then a quick Skype chat or 
> email exchange with the attendees can be arranged.
> They can provide advice as to why they use open source software and 
> promulgate open data. My office can't be seen to be directing them, 
> only providing funding.
> On Thu, 28 Jun. 2018, 09:22 John Bryant, <johnwbryant at gmail.com 
> <mailto:johnwbryant at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Would it make sense to focus more on the story about bringing
>     Pacific Islanders to the conference, to highlight the fact that
>     it's a regional conference and not just focused on Aus/NZ? Might
>     be an opportunity to get other agencies & companies thinking about
>     how they could also contribute either by directly supporting
>     attendees, as in this case, or via our Good Mojo fund.
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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