[FOSS4G-Oceania] Next FOSS4G-Oceania location?
David Dean
ddean at ieee.org
Thu Nov 1 23:50:41 PDT 2018
+1 and it would be great to see the next conference in NZ or the Pacific
islands, and try to keep Australia to every second year.
On Fri., 2 Nov. 2018, 17:14 Alex Leith, <alexgleith at gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 from me
> And I’m keen to have some role on the next committee for sure 🙂
> Let’s see those proposals!
> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 2:37 pm, adam steer <adam.d.steer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> +1 to Cameron's suggestions.
>> ...and also pre-volunteering to join an organising committee if they're
>> happy to have me :)
>> Only one request: please keep letters of intent absolutely on point, the
>> committee are flat out!
>> Cheers
>> Adam
>> --
>> Dr. Adam Steer
>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Steer
>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/adamsteer
>> http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0046-7236
>> +61 427 091 712
>> skype: adam.d.steer
>> tweet: @adamdsteer
>> On Fri., 2 Nov. 2018, 14:18 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> And here are my thoughts:
>>> +1 for running FOSS4G-Oceania in 2019
>>> I think there are two core factors which are setting up FOSS4G Oceania
>>> to be successful this year:
>>> 1. The University of Melbourne has provided a free venue, which has
>>> significantly minimised attendance costs.
>>> 2. We have had a large, very engaged organising committee, led by a very
>>> active chair (thanks John).
>>> In selecting a future venue, I'd be hopeful that these two criteria are
>>> considered.
>>> With regards to who should decide:
>>> * We haven't defined a decision making process or decided decision
>>> makers for selecting future event venues.
>>> * But, I've seen our existing FOSS4G committee to be committed, ethical,
>>> and competent. I'd suggest selecting our next venue should be delegated to
>>> this committee, and we can refine the process for future years.
>>> I'd suggest that people wishing to propose a venue for foss4g 2019
>>> discuss their ideas on this email list, paying particular attention to the
>>> two points above.
>>> I'd think an initial proposal should be of similar depth to the
>>> international FOSS4G "Letter of Intent" stage, with the FOSS4G
>>> international list of questions being used as a something to consider.
>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_Bid_Process#Letters_of_Intent
>>> *“Letters of Intent" are limited to a maximum of two (2) pages, and
>>> should answer the following questions:*
>>> *1. Who is your conference chair?*
>>> *2. Who else is on your local organizing committee (LOC)?*
>>> *3. What is the experience of your committee members with similar
>>> events?*
>>> *4. What is your proposed venue? (include access to Internet, room
>>> sizes, maximum attendees)*
>>> *5. What are your provisional dates for the conference?*
>>> *6. Early thoughts on prices of conference attendance? (indicative
>>> estimates)*
>>> *7. What is the price range and general location of your proposed
>>> accommodations and how is the*
>>> *price-level in your area in general (e.g. costs for food, drinks)*
>>> *8. Are you partnering with other local organizations?*
>>> *9. What makes FOSS4G in your proposed location and with your team
>>> compelling?*
>>> On 2/11/18 2:14 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Our FOSS4G-Oceania conference is shaping up to be much bigger than
>>> originally planned. We have attracted significantly more sponsors,
>>> attendees, and committee members than originally anticipated.
>>> So the question raised at today's committee meeting is:
>>> * Should we hold this event again next year?
>>> * If so, where should we hold it?
>>> * And how should we go about deciding?"
>>> It would be a bonus if we could announce next years FOSS4G-Oceania event
>>> as we close this year, which doesn't leave much time. Within this email
>>> thread I suggest we discuss these and related questions.
>>> --
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> Technology Demystifier
>>> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
>>> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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>>> FOSS4G-Oceania at lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g-oceania
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>> FOSS4G-Oceania mailing list
>> FOSS4G-Oceania at lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g-oceania
> --
> Alex Leith
> 0419 189 050
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