[FOSS4G-Oceania] Next FOSS4G-Oceania location?
Andrew Harvey
andrew at alantgeo.com.au
Fri Nov 2 00:16:29 PDT 2018
Tangential to this, I think after the conference we should evaluate
how well being a joint FOSS4G SotM has worked out as opposed to
standalone events.
I assume there are some attendees only interested in FOSS4G, others only
interested in SotM and others interested in both.
Our sponsors, program, community day (and hopefully attendees) are
representative of both camps so I think the committee has done a great
job balancing this, but if we are going to put out a post conference
survey hopefully we could try to find out from attendees how well they
thought the joint nature of the conference worked.
It's a huge effort to organise a conference though and given the two
overlap there's a big incentive to continue this way.
On Fri, 2 Nov 2018, at 5:50 PM, David Dean wrote:
> +1 and it would be great to see the next conference in NZ or the
> Pacific islands, and try to keep Australia to every second year.>
> David
> On Fri., 2 Nov. 2018, 17:14 Alex Leith, <alexgleith at gmail.com> wrote:>> +1 from me
>> And I’m keen to have some role on the next committee for sure 🙂
>> Let’s see those proposals!
>> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 2:37 pm, adam steer
>> <adam.d.steer at gmail.com> wrote:>>> Hi all
>>> +1 to Cameron's suggestions.
>>> ...and also pre-volunteering to join an organising committee if
>>> they're happy to have me :)>>>
>>> Only one request: please keep letters of intent absolutely on point,
>>> the committee are flat out!>>>
>>> Cheers
>>> Adam
>>> --
>>> Dr. Adam Steer
>>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Steer
>>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/adamsteer
>>> http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0046-7236
>>> +61 427 091 712
>>> skype: adam.d.steer
>>> tweet: @adamdsteer
>>> On Fri., 2 Nov. 2018, 14:18 Cameron Shorter
>>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com wrote:>>>> And here are my thoughts:
>>>> +1 for running FOSS4G-Oceania in 2019
>>>> I think there are two core factors which are setting up FOSS4G
>>>> Oceania to be successful this year:>>>> 1. The University of Melbourne has provided a free venue, which
>>>> has significantly minimised attendance costs.>>>> 2. We have had a large, very engaged organising committee, led by
>>>> a very active chair (thanks John).>>>> In selecting a future venue, I'd be hopeful that these two criteria
>>>> are considered.>>>> With regards to who should decide:
>>>> * We haven't defined a decision making process or decided decision
>>>> makers for selecting future event venues.>>>> * But, I've seen our existing FOSS4G committee to be committed,
>>>> ethical, and competent. I'd suggest selecting our next venue
>>>> should be delegated to this committee, and we can refine the
>>>> process for future years.>>>> I'd suggest that people wishing to propose a venue for foss4g 2019
>>>> discuss their ideas on this email list, paying particular attention
>>>> to the two points above.>>>> I'd think an initial proposal should be of similar depth to the
>>>> international FOSS4G "Letter of Intent" stage, with the FOSS4G
>>>> international list of questions being used as a something to
>>>> consider.
>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_Bid_Process#Letters_of_Intent>>>> *“Letters of Intent" are limited to a maximum of two (2) pages, and
>>>> should answer the following questions:**
**1. Who is your conference chair?** **2. Who else is on your local
organizing committee (LOC)?** **3. What is the experience of your
committee members with similar events?** **4. What is your proposed
venue? (include access to Internet, room sizes, maximum attendees)**
**5. What are your provisional dates for the conference?** **6. Early
thoughts on prices of conference attendance? (indicative estimates)**
**7. What is the price range and general location of your proposed
accommodations and how is the** **price-level in your area in general
(e.g. costs for food, drinks)** **8. Are you partnering with other local
organizations?** **9. What makes FOSS4G in your proposed location and
with your team compelling?*>>>>
>>>> On 2/11/18 2:14 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>> Our FOSS4G-Oceania conference is shaping up to be much bigger than
>>>>> originally planned. We have attracted significantly more sponsors,
>>>>> attendees, and committee members than originally anticipated.>>>>>
>>>>> So the question raised at today's committee meeting is:
>>>>> * Should we hold this event again next year?
>>>>> * If so, where should we hold it?
>>>>> * And how should we go about deciding?"
>>>>> It would be a bonus if we could announce next years FOSS4G-
>>>>> Oceania event as we close this year, which doesn't leave much
>>>>> time. Within this email thread I suggest we discuss these and
>>>>> related questions.>>>>>
>>>> -- Cameron Shorter Technology Demystifier Open Technologies and
>>>> Geospatial Consultant M +61 (0) 419 142 254>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>> FOSS4G-Oceania at lists.osgeo.org
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>>> FOSS4G-Oceania mailing list
>>> FOSS4G-Oceania at lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g-oceania
>> --
>> Alex Leith
>> 0419 189 050
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>> FOSS4G-Oceania at lists.osgeo.org
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> --
> http://dbdean.com
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