[FOSS4G-Oceania] 10 days to go! Update, committee movements, and help wanted

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 12:12:39 PST 2018

ps - forgot to mention, we really should ask people if they want their
photos published anyplace.

Perhaps at registration, ask people. If they don’t want images being
published, put a discreet yet easily identifiable label/dot/mark on their
nametag? (it’s not a new idea, I’ve seen it in action.. somewhere )

On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 03:59, Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com> wrote:

> On photos, I have a paid Dropbox account and can set up a space to receive
> them. An alternative is Flickr, although I understand that they changed
> their storage limits quite controversially recently.
> My approach would be to draft an email after the event saying 'please put
> only your VERY BEST pictures in this space (Dropbox is simplest) and if you
> do so, you're releasing them as CC-BY'. Something simple like that. Then we
> can do a writeup somewhere and post the best pics... maybe as a wrapup news
> item on the website. I guess we want to look into longevity of things like
> our website and such too.
> The only other logistical thing that you haven't mentioned, but that we've
> discussed, is opening and closing remarks.
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2018 at 07:35 adam steer <adam.d.steer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey john
>> Happy to run bofs.
>> any photos I take will be available ccby. Although I'll be a bit busy to
>> do any 'official photographer' things.
>> I'll add to the scheduling doc and survey doc over the weekend.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Dr. Adam Steer
>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Steer
>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/adamsteer
>> http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0046-7236
>> +61 427 091 712 <+61%20427%20091%20712>
>> skype: adam.d.steer
>> tweet: @adamdsteer
>> On Sat., 10 Nov. 2018, 16:12 John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> It has been a very busy few weeks of pulling logistics together, with
>>> plenty of loose ends being tied up, many boxes being ticked. For those of
>>> you actively involved with these logistics, you'll be particularly aware of
>>> the parts you're working on, but for others there may be an air of mystery
>>> around what's happening.
>>> To try and keep everyone informed, here's a very brief rundown on some
>>> items you may not be aware of:
>>> *A/V*: I will be doing a site visit with our Uni A/V tech (Isabel) and
>>> our hired videographer (Neil) on Wednesday afternoon, to do a final check
>>> of equipment and rooms, and answer some outstanding questions about the
>>> tech. We've booked extra microphone kits through AVMelbourne so that we'll
>>> have enough mics in the rooms for all sessions.
>>> *Registration*: current rego #s are 224 conf, 182 workshops, 115
>>> dinner, 75 Community Day. We need to make our best guess at the final
>>> numbers for catering this week (conf #s on Mon, dinner #s on Wed).
>>> *Welcome messages*: We have a short video welcome message from María
>>> Arias de Reyna, president of OSGeo. We'll play it at the conference
>>> welcome, but you can get a sneak preview here
>>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeRLecyvDtU>. We're waiting on one
>>> from Kate Chapman (OSMF chair) as well.
>>> *Sponsorship*: Adam has done a great job of allocating tables and
>>> helping the sponsors get what they need. We'll have some rental dividers
>>> delivered to the Old Arts Building for their use. One of our sponsors
>>> (Carto) can't make the conference, so their partner NGIS will be taking
>>> their place in the exhibition hall.
>>> I'm sure there are 100 other things I'm forgetting, anyone please chime
>>> in and add to this if you can think of anything worth updating on.
>>> To coordinate our movements during the week to some degree, and to try
>>> and make sure we have key activities covered, I've started a Logistics
>>> Schedule
>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14SUaF8x3FMHq5bnGIpVXI7a-sB-yYilzUi-YZdwlytc/edit#gid=0>
>>> sheet with activities, times, locations, and which committee members will
>>> be there & available to help with stuff. It's a private sheet for committee
>>> use, not visible to the public. *If you don't mind, take 2 minutes,
>>> jump in there and mark your name against the items you'll be attending*,
>>> just to help eliminate some of the guesswork. If you think of anything
>>> that's missing, feel free to add it in.
>>> A few outstanding items that would be great to get some help on:
>>> *BoF planning* - can someone please put their hand up to coordinate
>>> this? It has come up a few times, and the general message I've heard is
>>> "it's easy, there's nothing to it". But of course, if we actually do
>>> nothing about it, then nothing will happen. I would love it if someone
>>> could put their hand up to make this happen. We will have a whiteboard
>>> available for signups, and we have rooms we can use. Just need someone to
>>> pull the threads together.
>>> *Photos *- it would be great to have a nice set of photos from the day.
>>> There are many ways to do it, from having dedicated photographers to asking
>>> people to upload photos somewhere to gathering them from social media.
>>> There are licence implications of course, would be nice to have photos with
>>> a permissive licence so we can use them freely in future. If someone can
>>> think of a good way to make this happen, and (importantly) *do the work*
>>> to make it happen, that would be wonderful.
>>> *Post-conf surveys* - has come up a few times here and there in our
>>> discussions, there is obviously tremendous value in getting feedback from
>>> our attendees and sponsors. Quite a bit of the work has been done here
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KSrds5SvNF2L0xbuR7gNQHjdHIJv6PJJYzpAXs70utc/edit#heading=h.2b72jxoggl6b>.
>>> It would probably make sense to have this ready to go before the conference
>>> so we can do it immediately after, when it's still fresh in people's minds.
>>> Would someone be willing to organise this and see this through?
>>> Of course, if anyone has any questions at all, please fire away...
>>> Talk soon,
>>> John
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> --
> Alex Leith
> 0419 189 050

Dr. Adam Steer
+61 427 091 712
skype: adam.d.steer
tweet: @adamdsteer
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